Your OxLEP Skills Journey Starts Here

OxLEP Skills is here to help local people and businesses in Oxfordshire achieve their full potential. Find out about our programmes and the support available to you below.

Skills Bootcamps

OxLEP has been successful in securing funding to deliver a new ‘Skills Bootcamps’ programme in Oxfordshire, which aims to support residents in the county to acquire new skills and a pathway to employment.

Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards 2024 winners

The Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards 2024 winners were announced on 16 May at a special celebration evening at Williams Racing.

Apprenticeship Webinar Series for Employers

We are providing a fully-funded webinar series to lend a helping hand to Oxfordshire employers who employ apprentices and are aiming for successful achievements.

OxGROW Mentoring Platform

OxGROW is OxLEP Skills’ virtual mentoring platform – available through the Social Contract Programme.

Community Employment Plans Film Released

To coincide with Employability Day 2023, we have released a short film to showcase the benefits of Community Employment Plans.

Our audiences


We help businesses navigate the Oxfordshire skills landscape.

Schools & Colleges

We help young people in Oxfordshire to take their best next step.

Ignite Sport UK

Training Providers

We work closely with training providers to deliver local skills initiatives.

Taraji No Limits Programme


We work with organisations so that individuals can gain the skills they need for employment.

Welcome to OxLEP Skills

Watch our short film to find out all about OxLEP Skills and how we are working with local schools/colleges, training providers and employers to inform and inspire young people and create opportunities for work and training for local people.

OxLEP Skills

Our aim is to ensure every person who lives and works in Oxfordshire is equipped with the skills that businesses really need, helping to drive growth and innovation in the local economy.

Featured events

We offer a range of free in-person and virtual events focusing on skills development to individuals, employers and educators.

Get in touch

Have a question about an area of our work?
Don’t hesitate to get in touch.