Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information
The OxLEP Local Skills Dashboard
The latest Labour Market Information (LMI) for Oxfordshire can be found via the OxLEP Local Skills Dashboard. We’re updating the dashboard regularly to ensure it reflects the available data as it is released.
View the dashboard below via the Oxfordshire County Council Insights Dashboard.
We aim to broaden knowledge and understanding of our local labour market for employers, jobseekers, learners, teachers, those looking to reskill and upskill, careers advisors and economic development professionals.
We are enabling access to up-to-date and locally relevant key information about Oxfordshire’s economy and Local Skills Landscape in one place, the OxLEP Local Skills Dashboard, to empower Oxfordshire’s people to be a vital element of a relevant pipeline of skilled and qualified talent.
Our purpose is to raise aspirations and help our communities, employers and training providers to make decisions and develop career pathways to good secure jobs and to prioritise current skills gaps, future skills and training needs in those areas which have the highest demand both now and in the longer term.

Oxfordshire’s Economic Recovery Plan (2021): The ERP Action Plan recognised the importance of preparing people for employment in sectors offering high value employment in secure, resilient, and future-proof industries. It valued support for more people in the local community to access high quality skills provision that leads to good jobs in our strong industries, including Biotechnology, Energy Technology, and Engineering, alongside areas where employment demand and vacancies remains high, such as in Healthcare and Construction.
Our latest research in the Oxfordshire Local Skills Report and Plan (2022) prioritises ‘help to provide clear career pathways for young people and adults to ensure that they are aware of the Oxfordshire Labour Market and sectors’ as the current careers landscape is confusing, fragmented and unclear for many.

We aim to support this by enabling access to key indicators in the OxLEP Local Skills Dashboard to empower Oxfordshire’s people to be integral to a relevant pipeline of skilled and qualified talent. Our purpose is to help our communities, our employers and our training providers make decisions about and develop pathways to secure jobs and to prioritise future skills and training needs in those areas which have the highest demand in the longer term.
Skills, employment and enterprise of Oxfordshire’s ethnic minority communities
We commissioned a data review and report on the skills, employment and enterprise of Oxfordshire’s ethnic minority communities in order to inform the Local Skills Report and Plan.
You can download the full report, a summary of key findings and bitesize version below.
Watch the skills, employment and enterprise of
Oxfordshire’s ethnic minority communities webinar