
Community Employment Plans 

Community Employment Plans (CEPs) aim to enable better access to job and training opportunities for local people.

Across Oxfordshire, there are multiple large-scale infrastructure projects being developed or planned. To maximise the benefits from the developments, we offer guidance and support to implement CEPs.  These are led through the development of employer-led initiatives called Community Employment Plans (CEPs).  

CEPs are employer-led initiatives which can form part of Section 106 planning obligations for significant developments. Each Local Planning Authority in Oxfordshire has their own Local Plan. We aim to support major developers and employers in creating their CEP alongside district Economic Development Leads.

Watch our short film to see how CEPs add value to local communities.

CEP outcomes are likely to include: 

  • Apprenticeships
  • Employment/training initiatives for all ages 
  • Best endeavours to maximise local labour 
  • School, college and university engagement initiatives 

We have worked with a number of major employers to develop comprehensive CEPs. Over the next five years, these CEPs aspire to support: 

Apprenticeship starts

Work placements

Career Events

Employment experiences for those furthest from the labour market

CEP Evidence

This document presents the background and evidence base for Community Employment Plans and the inclusion of planning policies relating to their use in the Local Plans for Oxfordshire. 

Information for Developers

We have produced a Developers Handbook to help explain the CEP process, which you can download below. If you would like to receive a printed copy of this handbook, or a CEP template, please contact skills@oxfordshirelep.com  

CEP Reporting Template

We have created a template spreadsheet to help with reporting on Community Employment Plans. You can download an Excel version of the template below.

Apprenticeship Ambassadors

Information for Employers

Discover all of training and development schemes, initiatives and support available to employers in Oxfordshire