Oxfordshire Careers Hub
The Careers & Enterprise Company
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Schools & Colleges
The Careers & Enterprise Company
The Careers & Enterprise Company
The Gatsby Benchmarks
The Gatsby Benchmarks were developed on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation by Sir John Holman. They define what world class careers provision in education looks like and provide a clear framework for organising the careers provision at your school or college.
Careers Leader Training
The CEC also support leadership and teacher training, with training courses that provide a huge opportunity for careers leaders to accelerate your school, special school or college towards achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Information for School Leaders
CEC work with school leaders across the country to make sure schools understand their statutory duties. By supporting school leaders CEC help every student take their best next step out of education and into the world of work.
Information for Governors
CEC offers a variety of support to School Governors, from information on school development and teacher leadership training to enabling professional development for governors themselves.
National Tools
Discover all of the resources and digital tools available from the Careers Enterprise Company (CEC), including free evaluation and planning tools that can help you deliver your careers provision effectively for each and every young person in your institution.