OxLEP Skills
Further & Higher Education Providers
We want to ensure that every person who lives and works in the county is equipped with the very best skills to maximise their full potential and work closely with training providers to help achieve this.
We have made significant investment in our skills infrastructure across Oxfordshire — including City Deal investment to support apprenticeships, which exceeds £23m capital investment in new training facilities, including STEM provision investment.
We have members from both further and higher education on our Oxfordshire Skills Board (OSB) to represent the views of Oxfordshire’s further education, higher education and independent training providers.
We hold Oxfordshire Training Provider Network meetings three times a year, bringing training providers delivering in Oxfordshire together to share information and discuss relevant issues. You can view the recordings of previous meetings on our YouTube channel.
We are in the process of creating a list of training providers delivering in the county to enable Career Leaders in schools and colleges to signpost young people to relevant training opportunities.
We have a Training Provider Individual Award category at the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards. This is to recognise staff working for organisations that provide apprenticeship training in Oxfordshire (colleges, universities, employer providers and independent training providers) who go the extra mile to support and encourage apprentices and enable individuals to achieve their potential.
We invite employers, FE and HE providers to have a stand at our annual Careers Fest in order to talk to young people from schools and colleges within the Careers Hub network across Oxfordshire.
Skills Bootcamps
OxLEP Skills is leading a programme of activity set to make a major impact on employment opportunities across the county. Our £1.7million Skills Bootcamps programme – part of the Department for Education’s ‘Skills for Life’ activity will be delivered between the summer of 2024 and March 2025.
Oxfordshire Careers Hub Provider Access Policy
This policy sets out how Oxfordshire Careers Hub supports training providers to engage with local schools and colleges, through providing guidance and bringing them together in a variety of ways, such as a Careers Leader and training provider marketplace event.
Making Encounters Meaningful
To support training providers with preparing meaningful encounters for students in schools and colleges, we have created a PowerPoint presentation that includes guidance on how to make an encounter meaningful and resources to include.
Oxfordshire Local Skills Dashboard
We are enabling access to up-to-date and locally relevant key information about Oxfordshire’s economy and local skills landscape in one place, the Oxfordshire Local Skills Dashboard, to empower local people to be a vital element of a relevant pipeline of skilled and qualified talent.