Introtrain & Forum Limited (IFL) is based in Oxford city centre with easy access to buses and trains. We have a purpose-built training centre with a suite of offices above a large practical training salon and a light and airy classroom. Both rooms can accommodate up to 12 apprentices at any one time. We can offer flexible training routes: classroom theory delivery together with practical hairdressing techniques in a fully equipped training salon. For those unable to attend our centre or where the employer prefers our training consultants to deliver in the salon, we can offer full open learning packages for delivery in the workplace, inclusive of Functional Skills if required.
Training options:
Classroom: Learners attend Introtrain’s training centre in Oxford City Centre one day per week for theory, Functional Skills and practical training.
Open Learning:
Introtrain Training Consultants deliver all theory and Functional Skills in the workplace on a monthly one to one basis.