Event Details
School name: Oxfordshire Careers HubYear group: Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13
Oxfordshire Careers Hub is teaming up with LearnLive to run an apprenticeships awareness broadcast for parents and carers (students are encouraged to attend too!) on 6 February 2024 from 18:00-19:00, which is during National Apprenticeship Week.
Link to register: https://careersliveuk.com/partner/oxfordshire-careers-hub
Parents/carers will be able to hear an overview of apprenticeships, watch Oxfordshire apprentices talking about their experiences, including Macy Richards, a Trainee Civil Engineer at Milestone Infrastructure, hear the employer perspective from Helen Johnson from the University of Oxford and ask any questions via a live chat with the speakers.
Please note: when visiting the registration page, click on ‘Upcoming events’ to see the details of the broadcast.
After the webinar, you will be able to visit Find Your Future, our virtual careers platform, where some of the exhibitors will be available to chat to you online and answer your questions about apprenticeships and other options.