The ninth annual Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards will once again shine a spotlight on our county’s apprentices – and the businesses and organisations, training providers and schools that support their journey – recognising the huge contribution they make to our county’s economy at a special awards ceremony on Thursday 22 May 2025 at Blenheim Palace.
We’re delighted to introduce Abbott Diabetes Care as sponsor of the Intermediate Apprentice of the Year Award, which will recognises level 2 apprentices who have been in post for at least 9 months and have excelled in their work, learning and development and made exceptional contributions to their workplaces.
Abbott Diabetes Care develop healthcare solutions, from next-generation diagnostic tools that put patients on the path to better health sooner to trusted medicines that help people of all ages stay active and vital.
Here, Shaun Smith, Site Director at Abbott Diabetes Care in Witney, explains why the company has chosen to sponsor the awards and what apprenticeships mean to them.
Why are you supporting the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards and why you have chosen to sponsor your particular category?
We are committed to supporting the next generation of engineers and technicians. We have our own longstanding and successful apprenticeship scheme, so this award fits nicely with our ethos.
We encourage and support people to pursue further education through a variety of routes other than University, with apprenticeships having the advantage of providing on the job skills and experience.
What are you looking for in the winner of your category?
I am looking for individuals that have embraced the opportunity to mix learning and work experience to deepen their knowledge and understanding. Someone that has demonstrated the ability to take their learning and apply it in the workplace. Enthusiasm and a commitment to make the best of their skills.
What would you say to anyone thinking about entering or nominating?
Whenever you enter anything, think about what you offer that maybe no-one else does. That way, win or lose you know you have searched deep in exploring what you offer and where you add potential value. You have given yourself your best shot at winning.
If you don’t win, you have enhanced your learning by networking with those in your field.
Tell us about your organisation’s experience of apprenticeships
We have employed apprentices at ADC for over 20 years with many of our earliest apprentices remaining in the business. I have mentored and supported them in many ways during their time in the business. Our apprentices help move our business forward. I continue to advocate them in our business and am actively looking at how we can expand our scheme to take more.
About the awards
The awards will be open for entries and nominations until midnight on the evening of Monday 24 February 2025. Finalists will be announced during Oxfordshire Apprenticeships Hour (hashtag #OAHour) across the OxLEP Skills social media channels from 13:00 on Thursday 24 April 2025. Winners will be announced at a special awards ceremony on Thursday 22 May 2025.
If you would like the opportunity to support the awards, please get in touch.
Join us for Oxfordshire Apprenticeships Hour (#OAHour) on X @OxonApprentice from 13:00-14:00 every Thursday for latest on the Awards and join in the conversation using the hashtag #OAAwards2025.