The ninth annual Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards will once again shine a spotlight on our county’s apprentices – and the businesses and organisations, training providers and schools that support their journey – recognising the huge contribution they make to our county’s economy at a special awards ceremony on Thursday 22 May 2025 at Blenheim Palace.
We’re delighted to introduce Oxford Brookes University as sponsor of the Training Provider Individual Award, which will recognise individuals who go the extra mile to support and encourage apprentices and enable them to achieve to their potential.
Here, Quin Vermeulen, Head of UK Partnerships & Apprenticeships, explains why they have chosen to sponsor this award and what apprenticeships mean to them.
Why are you supporting the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards and why you have chosen to sponsor your particular category?
Oxford Brookes University is at the centre of supporting employers in the Oxford region, through bespoke education and training. Our provision currently includes 8 different degree apprenticeships, delivered across both faculties and we are in a phase of expansion, reaching out to an ever-growing number of large enterprises, as well as SMEs, who value our expertise in a range of sectors and disciplines.
We sponsor the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards to raise awareness of the positive contribution apprentices can make to their organisations and to show how training providers such as Oxford Brookes can support apprentices and their employers in making a difference to the local and national economy.
We are sponsoring the Training Provider Individual Award to recognise the significant impact individual practitioners have on the success of an apprentice in their workplace and educational setting.
What are you looking for in the winner of your category?
We pride ourselves on setting high standards and building personal relationships and we will be looking for a standout individual who clearly demonstrates these standards as well as ‘going the extra mile’ to drive individual success through personal communication, individual additional support & effectively managing personal relationships for example.
What would you say to anyone thinking about entering or nominating?
The Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards event is a fantastic way for everyone in the county to recognise and celebrate the achievements of individuals and organisations who take part in the apprenticeship journey.
Tell us about your organisation’s experience of apprenticeships
Oxford Brookes University has delivered degree apprenticeships since 2018, and has expanded provision to 8 different degree apprenticeships, which include Nursing Associate, Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Community Nurse Specialist Practitioner, Senior Learner, Senior People Professional, Architect, Chartered Town Planner and PG Engineer.
Building on the University’s strengths, which traditionally included a strong approach to integrated vocational learning, the apprenticeship programmes are designed to bring maximum impact to the businesses we work with.
We recently achieved Ofsted ‘good’, with ‘Outstanding’ for our non-apprenticeship, but closely related, ESFA funded Art & Design programme.
About the awards
The awards will be open for entries and nominations until midnight on the evening of Monday 24 February 2025. Finalists will be announced during Oxfordshire Apprenticeships Hour (hashtag #OAHour) across the OxLEP Skills social media channels from 13:00 on Thursday 24 April 2025. Winners will be announced at a special awards ceremony on Thursday 22 May 2025.
If you would like the opportunity to support the awards, please get in touch.
Join us for Oxfordshire Apprenticeships Hour (#OAHour) on X @OxonApprentice from 13:00-14:00 every Thursday for latest on the Awards and join in the conversation using the hashtag #OAAwards2025.