
Working with
Schools & Colleges

Oxfordshire Careers Hub is made up of 58 schools and colleges from across the county, including mainstream secondary, special schools, alternative provision and further education colleges.

Oxfordshire Careers Hub is funded by Enterprise Oxfordshire and the Careers & Enterprise Company to support schools and colleges to provide their students with a careers programme which enables them to make informed decisions about their best next step.

Businesses play a vital role in this by equipping future generations with the inspiration and skills they need for work, and there are numerous ways that you can support schools and students across the county. All opportunities below are relevant to all schools in the Hub, be that mainstream education, FE colleges, special schools or alternative provision. Please explore all the options below and get in touch to find our more information.

Working with Schools & Colleges

Careers Hub schools map

Meet the Careers Hub team

Volunteering opportunities

Support the curriculum

Find Your Future

Find Your Future

Promote your events

Experiences of
the workplace

Careers Fest

Working with young people with SEND


Oxfordshire Careers Hub Schools & Colleges

All schools and colleges in the Oxfordshire Careers Hub are supported by the Careers Hub Lead and one of our skilled Careers Hub Enterprise Co-ordinators, who will ensure that the school are kept informed, updated and engaged in order to provide a careers programme which supports all of their students.  

We currently have 58 schools and colleges in the Oxfordshire Careers Hub.

Carterton Community College

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile
Institution website: www.cartertoncc.oxon.sch.uk

Woodeaton Manor School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.woodeaton.oxon.sch.uk

Frank Wise School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.frankwise.oxon.sch.uk

Oxfordshire Hospital School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.ohs.oxon.sch.uk

The Henley College

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.henleycol.ac.uk


Abingdon & Witney College

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.abingdon-witney.ac.uk

North Oxfordshire Academy

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Fiona Rogers

Institution website: www.northoxfordshire-academy.org

Oxford Spires Academy

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: www.oxfordspiresacademy.org

King Alfred's Academy

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.kaacademy.org

Wallingford School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.wallingfordschool.com

Bartholomew School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: www.bartholomew.oxon.sch.uk

Gillotts School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.gillotts.org.uk

Chipping Norton School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: www.chipping-norton.oxon.sch.uk

The Cherwell School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: www.cherwell.oxon.sch.uk

Langtree School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.langtreeschool.com

Faringdon Community College

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: www.fcc.oxon.sch.uk

Europa School UK

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: https://europaschooluk.org

Burford School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: www.burford.oxon.sch.uk

Didcot Girls' School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Nikki Wakefield

Institution website: www.didcotgirls.oxon.sch.uk

Wykham Park

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Fiona Rogers

Institution website: www.wykhampark-aspirations.org

Lord Williams's School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.lordwilliams.oxon.sch.uk

St Birinus School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Nikki Wakefield

Institution website: www.st-birinus-school.org.uk

The Marlborough Church of England School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: www.marlborough.oxon.sch.uk

Gosford Hill School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Fiona Rogers

Institution website: www.gosford-hill.oxon.sch.uk

Kingfisher School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.kingfisher.oxon.sch.uk

Cheney School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: www.cheneyschool.org

The Iffley Academy

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.iffleyacademy.co.uk

Fitzwaryn School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.fitzwaryn.oxon.sch.uk

Endeavour Academy

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.endeavour-academy.org

John Mason School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.johnmason.oxon.sch.uk

Aureus School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.aureusschool.org

Wheatley Park School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: www.wheatleypark.org

Futures Institute Banbury

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Fiona Rogers

Institution website: www.futuresbanbury.org

The Cooper School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Fiona Rogers

Institution website: www.thecooperschool.co.uk

UTC Oxfordshire

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.utcoxfordshire.org.uk

Blessed George Napier Catholic School and Sixth Form

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Fiona Rogers

Institution website: www.blessedgeorgenapier.co.uk

Meadowbrook College

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.meadowbrook.oxon.sch.uk

The Bicester School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Fiona Rogers

Institution website: www.thebicesterschool.org.uk

Matthew Arnold School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: www.maschool.org.uk

The Warriner School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Fiona Rogers

Institution website: www.warriner.oxon.sch.uk

Larkmead School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.larkmead-school.com

Icknield Community College

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.icknield.oxon.sch.uk

Wood Green School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: http://wgswitney.org.uk

Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.maidenerleghchilternedge.co.uk

Fitzharrys School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Aoife Roughneen

Institution website: www.fitzharrys.oxon.sch.uk

Bardwell School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.bardwell.oxon.sch.uk

Greyfriars Catholic School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: www.greyfriarsoxford.org.uk

The Swan School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: www.theswanschool.org.uk

Orion Academy

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.orionacademy.co.uk

Mabel Prichard School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.mabelprichard.org

Whitelands Academy

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Fiona Rogers

Institution website: www.whitelandsacademy.org

Heyford Park School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: https://heyfordparkschool.org

The Oxford Academy

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Susan Ledgard-Hoile

Institution website: www.theoxfordacademy.org.uk

Bishopswood School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.bishopswoodschool.co.uk

John Watson School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.johnwatsonschool.org

Springfield School

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Institution website: www.springfield.oxon.sch.uk

City of Oxford College

Enterprise Co-ordinator Responsible: Fiona Rogers

Institution website: https://oxford.activatelearning.ac.uk

Meet the Careers Hub Team

Our skilled team of Skills & Enterprise Co-ordinators work with Careers Leaders in schools and colleges across Oxfordshire. They offer practical assistance and resources to help schools and colleges develop effective careers programmes.

Our Skills and Enterprise Coordinators will match schools and colleges with an Enterprise Adviser, a business volunteer, who can help to support Careers Leaders to create a careers programme that helps bridge the gap between education and the workplace. They will support collaboration between schools and colleges in local areas to ensure that best practice is shared and efforts are combined. They will also help to make connections to businesses and other careers providers who can support schools/colleges to create a careers programme that supports all students.


Careers Hub Lead



Eleanor Gordon-Martin

Enterprise Co-ordinator



Enterprise Co-ordinator

Fiona Rogers


Enterprise Co-ordinator


Enterprise Co-ordinator

Volunteering Opportunities

Have you ever thought about how you could use your skills to support your local school or college? Perhaps you are keen to look at how you can support your local community whilst developing your own knowledge. 

See below information for 2 ways you can volunteer – either as an Enterprise Adviser or sign up to volunteer directly with schools with ‘Give an Hour’.

Enterprise Advisers

Enterprise Advisers are business volunteers that give their time to help schools and colleges careers leaders and senior leadership teams to ensure that their careers provision is relevant in supporting their students progression onto their next step.

Supported by an Oxfordshire Careers Hub Skills and Enterprise Coordinator you will: 

  • Support the school or college’s Careers Leader and Senior Leadership team to develop and evaluate their careers plans 
  • Utilise your networks to support careers and enterprise initiatives  
  • Help to ensure that young people have a clear understanding of the careers landscape  
  • Build your own network through being part of a 60+ strong community of Enterprise Advisers, from different industry sectors and professional backgrounds, working with schools and colleges across the county 
  • Develop your knowledge of the education sector 

If you are interested in becoming an Enterprise Adviser you can find more details and sign up using the buttons below.

“Being an Enterprise Adviser has a strong impact, you can almost touch the positive change it has on students and businesses.”

Marija Knezevic
HR Systems & Projects Specialist
Sensyne Health

Give an Hour

Sharing industry knowledge and experience can make a difference to the options a young person considers for their career choice. 

Volunteering for careers and enterprise activities in schools and colleges can make a vital difference.  Businesses can give a young person an invaluable taste of the world of work and help them make informed career choices. Schools are often looking for volunteers to support a variety of activities, such as mock interview days, inspirational career talks and careers fairs.

You can view current opportunities below. If you can’t see anything suitable please get in touch as we are often aware of more opportunities to engage. 

Swalcliffe Park School Work Experience

Swalcliffe Park School Work Experience

September 4, 2024 - July 11, 2025    
All Day
Year 11, Year 12, Year 13
We are looking for employers to host students for work experience in 2024/25. Please contact Emma - eciballi@swalcliffepark.co.uk or call on 07826369727.
Year 10 Mock Interviews at Greyfriars Catholic School

Year 10 Mock Interviews at Greyfriars Catholic School

April 3, 2025    
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Year 10
We are looking for volunteers to support our Year 10 mock interview event. The main focus of these interviews is to give students courage to [...]
City of Oxford College Careers fair 29th April

City of Oxford College Careers fair 29th April

April 29, 2025    
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Post 16
We are hosting our annual careers fair at the City of Oxford College and looking for employers in the following industries to attend and provide [...]
Didcot Girls' Year 10 Work Experience Week

Didcot Girls' Year 10 Work Experience Week

May 12, 2025 - May 16, 2025    
All Day
Year 10
We are looking for opportunities to offer those students who may not have their own contacts in fields that interest them, and may struggle to [...]

Support the Curriculum

Developing Curriculum Resources

Schools, colleges and businesses are aware of the fantastic opportunity of using examples of real life work and projects to support curriculum learning. It helps students to recognise the importance of the skills and knowledge that they are learning now, and how this is going to help them as they progress in the future. It also helps them to make links between what they enjoy doing and what they can do as a career.

A number of employers have worked with us already to build lesson resources which bring the curriculum to life, but we are always looking for more local employers to do the same.

If you are interested in working with us to create lesson resources for students that links your work to an area of the curriculum then please get in touch.

Invite teachers into your workplace with Teacher Encounters

Do you want to ensure  young people in education know about your industry and the skills needed to thrive in your business?

Are you keen to help teachers stay up to date with your industry and bring this to life in their lessons?

Inviting teachers into your workplace for a few hours, a few days, or even longer has benefits for your business, for teachers, and importantly, for the young people that will form the workforce of the future. Please get in touch to find out more.

Find Your Future

Enterprise Oxfordshire’s Find Your Future is an online careers platform for students, teachers and parents/carers. Under one ‘virtual roof’ they are able to find out information to inspire them including:

  • Exploring different employment sectors available in Oxfordshire
  • Connecting with local and national employers
  • Researching post 16/18 options including college, apprenticeships, T Levels and university
  • Discover tips on the skills employers are looking for, CV writing and how to succeed at interviews

If your business would like to have their own pod on our Find Your Future platform, please get in touch.

Promote an event

If you already have an offer of an activity for Oxfordshire schools that you would like to promote, please let us have the details and we will ensure that this gets out to all schools and colleges in the Careers Hub via our regular weekly comms. 

11 + 2 =

Are you wanting to look at how you can improve your businesses school outreach? This could be something you are doing as part of your CSR programme, or to develop your future talent pipeline. Either way we are sure that you’ve got a number of your employees who would be keen to look at how they can use their own experiences to inspire the next generation of workers in your sector.

We are happy to talk to you about some ideas and best practice, as well as introducing you to schools who can give you feedback on your ideas or help you pilot an approach. 

Experience of the Workplace

Do you remember the first time you visited a business, perhaps it was on work experience? It might not have been relevant to what you are doing now, but it will have given you an insight into the working world and the skills you need.

Offering experience of the workplace to a young person can be beneficial to your business in a number of ways:

  • Early access to a talent pool for recruitment into entry-level roles
  • Increase diversity in your workforce by recruiting from new networks
  • Increase brand visibility in the community
  • A fresh perspective on your business
  • An opportunity for members of your team to develop their management skills
  • Help with workload or a specific busy project


Experiences of the workplace take many different forms. You could have an individual student spend a week in your business, or a group of students work on a project in your workplace for a day or two, or anything in between. There are however certain things that need to be in place to ensure that it’s really meaningful:

  • You have thought about what the student/s are going to learn from the experience, considering their age and the needs of the student/s
  • The student/s will meet a variety of people from your workplace, and experience a range of roles. Rotating around different areas of the business will enable them to expand their employability skills
  • There needs to be extensive two-way interaction between the student/s and your employees
  • The student/s should deliver a talk or produce a piece of work relevant to that workplace and receive feedback on it from the employer


Take the time to allow the student/s to reflect on their experiences, and give them feedback so that they can continue to grow and develop.

For more guidance and inspiration please visit The Careers & Enterprise resources directly here

Supporting young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

All of the opportunities to engage with schools relate to working with all types of secondary education establishments including mainstream schools, FE colleges, alternative provision and special schools. All of these education establishments will have young people with SEND on their student roll. It’s important that schools and colleges ensure that all their students have access to an inspiring careers programme, and that businesses play a vital role in this.

For an insight into supporting our young people with SEND to find their next best step please watch this recording of a webinar which was run for employers in our region.

If you have any further questions please get in touch with us.

Careers Fest

Become a Careers Hub Cornerstone Employer

Each Careers Hub across the country has a group of Cornerstone Employers. They are employers that support world class career education in their local region.

Why would you become a Cornerstone Employer?

Cornerstone Employers tell us that getting involved in their local community through this programme does everything from making their recruitment more effective, to making their talent pipeline stronger, and ensuring their connection to local people is deeper. But more specifically, it can help your business to:

  • Influence and inspire more young people to enter your industry, collaborate with like-minded businesses and have greater collective impact
  • Build a diverse future talent pipeline and help to fill skills gaps
  • Back social mobility in your local area by working with the Careers Hub to support those who face the most barriers to reach their potential when they leave education



What will you do as a Cornerstone Employer?

By working with Oxfordshire Careers Hub in this way, together we can deliver a number of benefits to both young people in the county, as well as your business and wider industry. Your involvement will include:

  • Working with our team in the Oxfordshire Careers Hub and other employers to engage directly with schools and colleges in a joined up and supported way
  • Inspire other businesses to join our mission to transform the lives of young people in Oxfordshire through sharing ‘what works’ and best practice examples