Swalcliffe Park School Work Experience

Swalcliffe Park School Work Experience

September 4, 2024 - July 11, 2025    
All Day
Year 11, Year 12, Year 13
We are looking for employers to host students for work experience in 2024/25. Please contact Emma - eciballi@swalcliffepark.co.uk or call on 07826369727.
Year 10 Mock Interviews at Greyfriars Catholic School

Year 10 Mock Interviews at Greyfriars Catholic School

April 3, 2025    
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Year 10
We are looking for volunteers to support our Year 10 mock interview event. The main focus of these interviews is to give students courage to [...]
Wykham Park Academy - Online Mentoring/Videos

Wykham Park Academy - Online Mentoring/Videos

April 7, 2025    
10:00 am - 10:15 am
I'm looking for volunteers to support students in Oxfordshire as we try to transform our curriculum around making a better society. We are creating an [...]
City of Oxford College Careers fair 29th April

City of Oxford College Careers fair 29th April

April 29, 2025    
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Post 16
We are hosting our annual careers fair at the City of Oxford College and looking for employers in the following industries to attend and provide [...]
Wykham Park Academy - Online Mentoring/Videos

Wykham Park Academy - Online Mentoring/Videos

May 5, 2025    
10:00 am - 10:15 am
I'm looking for volunteers to support students in Oxfordshire as we try to transform our curriculum around making a better society. We are creating an [...]
Didcot Girls' Year 10 Work Experience Week

Didcot Girls' Year 10 Work Experience Week

May 12, 2025 - May 16, 2025    
All Day
Year 10
We are looking for opportunities to offer those students who may not have their own contacts in fields that interest them, and may struggle to [...]
Whitelands Academy Mock Interviews

Whitelands Academy Mock Interviews

May 15, 2025    
9:10 am - 3:10 pm
Year 10
We are running a Mock Interview event for our Year 10 students ahead of their work experience placements.  In order to prepare our young people [...]
Wykham Park Academy - Online Mentoring/Videos

Wykham Park Academy - Online Mentoring/Videos

June 2, 2025    
10:00 am - 10:15 am
I'm looking for volunteers to support students in Oxfordshire as we try to transform our curriculum around making a better society. We are creating an [...]
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