Event Details
School name: Oxfordshire Careers HubYear group: Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13
Oxfordshire Careers Hub is hosting the region’s most anticipated and exciting careers event. Careers Fest will take place at The Kassam Stadium Conference & Events Centre. We invite all parents/carers of students from Oxfordshire schools and colleges to come and meet the major players in the local labour market at a twilight session on 20 March. There are slots from 16:30-18:00 or 18:00-19:30.
Link to book: https://careersfest2024twilightsession.eventbrite.co.uk
This is an opportunity to meet a range of employers, further education colleges, universities and training providers. This year we will welcome more than 70 exhibitors offering information, advice and guidance on future pathways and careers from a varied range of sectors.
It’s a fantastic chance for parents/carers to talk careers with their young person and feel better informed about their options for when they leave school or college.
Please note that all Oxfordshire schools and colleges have been invited during the school day, therefore students may be attending with their school. Not all schools/colleges are able to join us, so we have extended the invite to parents/careers to ensure all students are given the opportunity to research and explore their future career options.