Event Details
School name: Swalcliffe park SchoolYear group: Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13
We are constantly striving to inspire our pupils in new ways and showcase all the pathways and prospects that are available to them after education. Due to the varied abilities within our school, pathways look different for each individual therefore we like all options and outlooks to be presented in order for informed choices to be made.
With this in mind, we would very much like you to come and talk to the children and present the varied opportunities and roles within. We are very flexible in terms of delivery and are more than happy for interactive workshops, informed discussions, activity-based work experience etc.
Our students usually find more value in an interactive experience with activities or practical tasks. I thought I would ask in the hope that you may provide something like this that could provide our students with an enjoyable experience that touches on careers, work or employment.
W/C 10th March