Event Details
School name: Carterton Community CollegeYear group: Year 8
I would like someone from the world of employment to come and do an assembly with my Year 8 students. It is the Year 8 Careers Week .
Your role can be as diverse as you wish as it is my role in school to let the students experience and learn about jobs that they had no idea that existed and that were accessible to them.
Students like to watch action packed videos and so to keep their interest it would be good if you could have a presentation alongside your talk.
I want my students to know why they are learning Algebra, History, RE. How can these subjects help them in the future? That there is a purpose for education. I want my students to be inspired and excited to learn.
The assembly is normally 40 minutes long and takes place in our drama studio and you would be speaking to a cohort of 129 students. The time of the assembly is 13:20 to 14:00
You would be very welcome to visit Carterton Community College and you will meet some amazing students.
If you are able to engage with my school then please contact Jackie Mustoe, jmustoe@carterton.oxon.sch.uk.