The ninth annual Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards will once again shine a spotlight on our county’s apprentices – and the businesses and organisations, training providers and schools that support their journey – recognising the huge contribution they make to our county’s economy at a special awards ceremony on Thursday 22 May 2025 at Blenheim Palace.
We’re delighted to introduce Milestone Infrastructure as sponsor of the Special Recognition Award, which will recognise apprentices who have achieved in overcoming significant challenges or barriers to learning or work.
Here, Phil Raven, Operations Manager – Oxfordshire Highways at Milestone Infrastructure, explains why the company has chosen to sponsor this award and what apprenticeships mean to them.
Why are you supporting the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards and why you have chosen to sponsor your particular category?
Milestone Infrastructure is committed to supporting apprentices to develop their careers in civil engineering and the construction industry.
We were delighted to win three Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards in 2024: Employer of the Year, Intermediate Apprentice and overall Apprentice of the Year. It was an excellent awards ceremony and a great opportunity to showcase outstanding individual apprentices and employers as well as the many exciting career paths on offer in diverse industries throughout Oxfordshire.
Milestone recognises the importance of apprenticeships and has been actively involved in supporting and developing several apprenticeships at different levels within Oxfordshire over the last 6 years. Our apprentices are core to our talent development and help us maintain the county’s road network.
2025 is our third year as an Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards category sponsor, once again supporting the Special Recognition Award. This award highlights outstanding individuals who have overcome difficult challenges and delivered exceptional outcomes. We are thrilled to have the chance to sponsor this award again and to recognise individuals who are making the most of their apprenticeship journey.
What are you looking for in the winner of your category?
We are looking for an individual who has shown clear enthusiasm, commitment and initiative to make the most of the opportunity that their apprenticeship has given them, despite facing some difficult challenges. They will demonstrate how their determination and strength of character has enabled them to apply the skills and knowledge they have gained, helping them to progress in their career.
What would you say to anyone thinking about entering or nominating?
Go for it! This is your chance to get recognition for all the hard work you’ve put in and acknowledge the role that your employer and mentors have played in supporting you. It’s also a chance for you to be a role model for others thinking of undertaking a similar apprenticeship. Ask your colleagues or manager for feedback on what they think would make you stand out in your entry.
Tell us about your organisation’s experience of apprenticeships
Milestone have a track record of employing apprentices at all levels within the highway maintenance sector. Within the Oxfordshire Highways Partnership contract, we currently have 16 apprentices at various levels from level 2 up to degree apprenticeship. Many of these apprentices rotate around different parts of the business to get a broad experience of the varied work we do in maintaining Oxfordshire’s roads.
About the awards
The awards will be open for entries and nominations until midnight on the evening of Monday 24 February 2025. Finalists will be announced during Oxfordshire Apprenticeships Hour (hashtag #OAHour) across the OxLEP Skills social media channels from 13:00 on Thursday 24 April 2025. Winners will be announced at a special awards ceremony on Thursday 22 May 2025.
If you would like the opportunity to support the awards, please get in touch.
Join us for Oxfordshire Apprenticeships Hour (#OAHour) on X @OxonApprentice from 13:00-14:00 every Thursday for latest on the Awards and join in the conversation using the hashtag #OAAwards2025.