The ninth annual Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards will once again shine a spotlight on our county’s apprentices – and the businesses and organisations, training providers and schools that support their journey – recognising the huge contribution they make to our county’s economy at a special awards ceremony on Thursday 22 May 2025 at Blenheim Palace.
We’re delighted to introduce Oxfordshire County Council as a supporter of the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards 2025.
Why are you supporting the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards?
The Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards are a great opportunity for employers to celebrate Apprentices and recognise the people who work hard to make them happen.
We are keen to support and champion the delivery of apprenticeships and workforce growth in organisations across Oxfordshire.
What would you say to anyone thinking about entering or nominating?
We would like to say “go for it” – it is a great opportunity to promote your commitment to apprenticeships, and to recognise the achievements of your apprentices, managers, teams and providers that support them.
Tell us about your organisation’s experience of apprenticeships
Oxfordshire County Council is one of the largest employers in Oxfordshire, with over 10,000 employees (including our maintained school staff) working in a wide variety of services including Fire and Rescue, Social Care, Engineering, Finance, Human Resources, Legal, Property Management and IT.
Since 2007, we have steadily built up the number of apprentices we employ and the range of schemes we offer. Currently we have 280 apprentices training across our wider workforce (including maintained schools) in a diverse range of roles. We deliver around 50 different apprenticeship standards.
The aim of our apprenticeship hub is to support all our colleagues and teams by providing a centralised support service across our organisation with all aspects of apprenticeship training.
Our apprentices go on to achieve great things, improving our services and helping our organisation go from strength to strength.
Our range of apprenticeships we offer has grown every year; in the last year we have introduced a great deal of new programs including:
L6 Trading Standards Officer
L4 Cyber security technologist
L6 Youth Worker
L4 Town Planning assistant
L4 Quality Practitioner
L5 Coaching Professional
About the awards
The awards will be open for entries and nominations until midnight on the evening of Monday 24 February 2025. Finalists will be announced during Oxfordshire Apprenticeships Hour (hashtag #OAHour) across the OxLEP Skills social media channels from 13:00 on Thursday 24 April 2025. Winners will be announced at a special awards ceremony on Thursday 22 May 2025.
If you would like the opportunity to support the awards, please get in touch.
Join us for Oxfordshire Apprenticeships Hour (#OAHour) on X @OxonApprentice from 13:00-14:00 every Thursday for latest on the Awards and join in the conversation using the hashtag #OAAwards2025.