OxLEP’s latest impact report – which looks back on the last financial year between April 2023 and March 2024 – outlines the significant role and commitment we play in ensuring Oxfordshire has a healthy, thriving and inclusive economy.
The report reflects on the tailored business support delivered by OxLEP Business, the commitment to ensuring we have a strong labour market and pipeline of talent in the county from OxLEP Skills, as well as how our the £1billion of funding we have helped to secure for Oxfordshire has, and continues to make, for our businesses and communities.
We are the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership, OxLEP. Our role is to champion Oxfordshire’s economic potential, acting as a catalyst and convener to drive a dynamic, sustainable, and growing economy.
OxLEP works for the people of Oxfordshire; for the entrepreneurs, businesses and social-minded enterprises, and for the county itself and its connectivity, nationally and internationally.
Our mission is to inspire and support business, to secure investment and drive opportunities for economic prosperity across our communities. This report sets out why we do what we do, who has benefitted from our work and the impacts that have been delivered over the period from April 2023 to March 2024.