Oxfordshire Careers Hub
The Careers & Enterprise Company
Local Resources
OxLEP Skills
Information for
Schools & Colleges
Schools and colleges have a vital role in teaching young people about their future career options and opportunities.Â
Oxfordshire Careers Hub, which is delivered in partnership by OxLEP and The Careers & Enterprise Company, can support your school or college to deliver high quality, meaningful careers education for your students based on the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Working with School Leaders, Governors and Careers Leaders, we will support you to develop a progressive careers programme that inspires and informs your students to make informed decisions in order to take their best next step at key transitions points throughout their education.
Oxfordshire Careers Hub
The Careers Hub is formed of all 58 school and colleges across Oxfordshire. Working collaboratively we strive to deliver careers excellence and that every young person is prepared to take their best next step.
The Careers & Enterprise Company
The Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC) is the national body for careers education in England, supporting schools and colleges to deliver modern, 21st century careers education. Our mission is to help every young person find their best next step.
Our work includes:
- Training and supporting Careers Leaders
- Bringing employers, educators and providers together through our network of Careers Hubs
- Sharing practical digital tools and resources
Local resources
From Labour Market Information (LMI), to a regular newsletter, lesson plans and curriculum resources, discover the local resources we offer schools and colleges to support the delivery of careers across Oxfordshire.